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Pokémon Go is now available in 15 more countries but still not in India, China and Korea.

There are lots of mobile gamers in Asia who were waiting for Pokémon Go and their wait is over now, for the game is available for them now. Pokémon Go has been recently available in 15 more Asian countries. But the pain for Indian, Chinese and Korean does not last yet as the game still had not hit the store for these markets.

These are the 15 new countries for Pokémon Go: 
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Island, Federated States of Micronesia and Palawan.

Initially Pokémon Go was introduced in the US on July 6 before Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe. In Japan, which is the home for Pokémon Go, the game was released on 21 July. Soon after the game was made available in Hong Kong, Brazil and other countries. But the game is not still released in three big markets that are India, China and Korea. 

India and China are the two most populated countries of the world and also have a large smartphone market. Indian and Chinese Pokémon’s fans were expecting that the game will be rolled out for them but unfortunately they have to wait more. 

Indian smartphone market is growing day by day with a high growth percentage. India has a larger number of Android and iOS and the users are screamingly waiting for the game. According to the rumors the game will be coming India on 15 August.

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