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What is Apple doing???

A few years ago I loved Apple's devices because of its hardware work. Apple was known for its super slim and smooth designs. Apple made the world's thinnest and lightest devices and they designed very nice. In 2009 Apple launched MacBook Air which was only 17 mm thin and Apple also launched the world's lightest Tab. So that was the time when Apple was doing very well but now they are not building the lightest laptop and the thinnest tablet. Recently Apple introduced MacBook 2016 which was equally thin its 2015 version and they did not make it lighter while HP launched the world's thinnest laptop 'HP Spectre Laptop' which is 10.4 mm. It is .05 inch thinner then Apple MacBook 2016.

There is another question, Why Apple removed USB ports from MacBook while all the other companies are building their produces with USB, HDMI and audio ports. Apple wants to show its royalty but people are not loving this. People love those products which are comfortable to use. If you want to hear music in MacBook then you will need a USB-Hub to connect your earphones. Or if you are going to connect your MacBook to larger monitor, Pen Drive or External Hard Drive then you will also need a USB-Hub.

People want to have an easier and familiar computing experience and they don’t want to waste their time in connecting their devices using USB-Hubs. Every computer user wants a faster and smooth computing experience but I think Apple is going to make things difficult. This is a very big reason why people are leaving Apple and they are coming to Windows.

In this age, people are turning to touch devices and they love touch screen experience. Windows enables touch screen experience while MacOS does not support touch screen feature. This is another big reason of leaving Apple.

When Microsoft launched its Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book then Apple introduced its Apple iPad Pro to make an impression against Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book. I think Apple don’t know Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 both are 2-in-1 devices. You can use both of Surface as a laptop or as a tablet while Apple iPad Pro is only tab. You can’t run software (such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effect or Microsoft Office etc.) on Apple iPad Pro but you can use all these software on a surface.

Let’s talk about Tab.
Apple iPads are known for their slim designs, but they're not the slimmest around. When Apple launched its iPad mini then it was the most beautiful, thinnest and nice looking tab. Apple iPad was designed very beautifully. After many years, now Apple introduced Apple iPad Pro and iPad mini 4 which mostly look like First iPad mini. Apple iPad mini 4 is 6.1 mm thin and iPad Pro 6.9 mm. But Samsung introduced its Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 which is 5.6 mm thin and 1.3 mm thinner than Apple iPad Pro and .5 mm thinner than iPad mini 4.

 If you look at Huawei Mate Book then you will see that it looks more beautiful than Apple iPads. Huawei designed MateBook very slim and standard. It’s a very nice device and it contains Windows 10 OS.

So, I think Apple is losing its name which was earned by Steve Jobs after working very hard. I don’t know what is Apple’s CEO Tim Cook doing? He should to bring Apple to the new computing world, if he will not then Apple will lose all his name………………….

This is what I think, so comment below and let me know what you think.

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